Friday, December 19, 2014

I'll be home for Christmas

Today, I began my commute home to Parkersburg! First time since August for this girl and I am so ready to be among the hills again! I woke up with such excitement (could barely sleep!), anxious to see my family with a feeling that it was going to be a great day! But the day has most definitely taken a turn in an unexpected direction. 

I do not normally push my faith on others, however God's presence on my journey home has been overwhelming. He works in very mysterious ways. I had gotten to my gate very early and had planned on writing a post during my wait when an older lady sat down beside me with tear filled eyes. First of all, I am very nosey... I always want to know what is going on. Secondly, I am a very caring person... I want to be there for everyone if/when I can. 

After a few minutes I felt that I needed to initiate conversation. I quickly learned that this lady had just found out that her 51 year old son had passed away in the middle of the night due to a heart attack. She was on her way to Boston to be with her family and do what no mother should have to do, bury their child. Completely and utterly heartbreaking. 

Following some dialogue I learned that she was originally from West Virginia (what are the odds?!) and that her story was extremely similar to the passing of my Uncle Rick. We shared stories and reminisced about the amazing angels God had gained. My mind is flooded with wonderful memories shared with such an absolutely wonderful man. Boy, do I ever miss him!
Our Last Christmas Together
Things truly do happen for a reason, and though we may not always have the answers when we want them, God will find a way to reveal them to us in time. I am a firm believer that God wanted our paths to cross and am grateful that I was able to be with this sweet lady in her time of need. 

As I prepare to board the plane for the final leg of my journey, I am even more anxious to get home. I am going to hug my family a little tighter, kiss them a little more, and tell them I love them so many times that it may get annoying. You never know when God may need another Angel and very grateful that I am able to spend the holidays with my family!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
One of my favorite photos of us!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Value of Teamwork

Throughout the past month, I have really gotten the opportunity to understand the value of teamwork. Unfortunately, we live in a world full of individuals who are only interested in their own personal gain and well being. Until you have truly experienced an interdisciplinary team that works seamlessly together, you may never truly understand the meaning of teamwork.

After only 2 days at a facility in Virginia Beach, I was given a 2 weeks notice due to the fact that the facility had filled the position with a permanent employee (who just so happens to be my VB BFF!). If you know me at all, you should know that I like to plan, and this new information was sure to give me some anxiety! This is definitely an occurrence that happens quite often in the travel world due to the fact that travel positions are temporary, however I do not think that I was prepared for it!

My VB BFF, Natalie!
Thankfully, I have the worlds best recruiter! Y'all are probably sick and tired of hearing about her. I'm really not pulling your leg when I say that she falls nothing short of being completely phenomenal! I learned a lot about the way the travel world works, and that the team that I had fighting for me behind the scenes was a great one! Within one week following my notice I had a job interview and an offer to start the day after my initial contract was supposed to end. Wow! Now that, my friends, is teamwork!

The unfortunate part of this new offer was that I would be required to drive a minimum of 50 minutes to and from work every day... what a bummer! I can honestly say, I did not want this job for the simple fact that I would have to wake up before 7am! (Obviously not a morning person!)

Little did I know that I would be walking into an AMAZING facility! A facility that I have the ability to have an impact on, and also a facility that undoubtedly knows what teamwork should really look like! This team amazes me every day. Everyone works together so seamlessly and they truly care about their patients. The environment is infectious, in the best possible way!

There are so many benefits to having an interdisciplinary team that works so incredibly well together. Not only is it amazing for the residents and their well being, but it creates a wonderful, positive atmosphere to work in.

I guess driving an hour to work everyday is a small price to pay for having an awesome job and living in a great area! I'll take it!

I also get to see beautiful skies like this on my way home!! :)
Contact Amy or me if you are interested in joining the travel world or if you just have some questions! We would be happy to help! or

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Move... Bittersweet

After 11 short weeks in Richmond, it was time to pack up my car and head for Virginia Beach! The only word that can adequately describe my feelings is bittersweet...

The bitter...
I love Richmond! I finally felt at home here... but as I became more comfortable the decision of "where to next" creeped up on me. I did consider staying here, however that was not an option at the time. Opportunities elsewhere presented and I had to do what was best for me and my career.

Security. Safety. It is very difficult (no matter how independent I may be) to move to a new city, new apartment, new everything... alone. Always spending the "first night" by yourself wondering if it is a safe place to live. The feeling of security comes with time, so at first moving to a new area can be very stressful for me. I feel as though having someone else with me, or even a dog, may make me feel better.. until then, flying solo!

I had the honor of working with the most incredible team! I learned so much, from so many. To say that you truly enjoy the people you are working with every, single day can be very rare. Going to work was not so bad when there are SO many great people. I will definitely miss the awesome work environment, the food (courtesy of some pretty awesome therapists and patients), and the awareness that I could learn something new daily!

And now for what I believe is the most difficult part of being a travel therapist... the connection you make with the patients you are forced to leave behind. On my last day at my current facility, I had an overwhelming feeling that I had/have unfinished business. In any therapists career you get to a point with a patient where you have not only applied your knowledge to make them more independent, but you have put your heart and soul into caring for them. These are the patients that you cannot wait to see walk out of the front door on their way HOME! As a traveler, you have those patients that are half way to the finish line, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and are forced to pass on to the therapist who is taking over for you. Absolutely and utterly heartbreaking. I have a heavy heart for one patient in particular, one that I feel as though I left too soon. But, this person reassured me on our last day together that I did not have unfinished business. She said "Always remember, you have made a great impact on my life. You helped me get back to being a mother, a teacher, and a caregiver for my mother. No matter where you are, please know that you made a mark here!" & that, my friends, is sweet...

The Sweet...
New place. New people. New attractions. New restaurants. All of these make for one heck of an adventure!  Adventure is definitely something I truly enjoy, seeing new things and experiencing new things is half of the reason I became a traveling therapist!

By becoming a travel therapist you have the opportunity to network all over the country... what better way to insure job security?! As travelers we get to show TONS of people just what we are made of, which will absolutely make you more marketable in the future. Not to mention the diversity you experience in so many different environments. This is awesome not only for job security but for increasing the tools in your toolbox, too! (Another reason I decided to travel)

You are thrown many obstacles when faced with a new placement. It could be furniture (current problemo), utilities, space, apartment, location, price, etc. or it could be related to the workplace. But ya know what the sweet part about that is? You adapt. You change. You get stronger. You become resilient. You can handle anything that you are faced with. Though these obstacles can be very frustrating, they make you grow, allowing you to learn more and more about life.

Needless to say, my first transfer to a new facility has given me a variety of emotions. Nonetheless, I will be a better therapist and a stronger person for doing so. That alone helps me sleep a little more soundly on my "first night"...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Good friends make for a Good time

The weekend before last I had an apartment full! My best friend came to see me from Wild and Wonderful, West Virginia to spend the weekend! We had a great time exploring RVA a bit and then heading to Virginia Beach for a day of sunshine. It was nice to see them, but I was exhausted after they left! Lots of naps! Below are some photos of my time with Amanda and her family!
At the Richmond Squirrels baseball game with Nic & his friend Evan
The Virginia Holocaust Museum
Great for our little History Buff!

Jake and I at World of Mirth, being silly!
Getting Milkshakes at The Galaxy Diner
Virginia Beach

Words cannot describe our love for this boy!

One on One time with my beautiful BFF!
The following weekend, I spent some time with new friends, did a little (or a lot) of shopping, and got some much needed R&R!
Ladies Night!  

5 Tips for Meeting Friends in a New City
1. Do not be afraid to talk to people. The worst that could happen is that they could be rude and ignore you, but you can also make great friendships with new people just by putting yourself out there!
2. Do not sit in your apartment/house every night! You cannot make friends by sitting at home, feeling sorry for yourself with a bowl of ice cream on the couch... trust me, I know from experience!
3. Go to a restaurant for dinner and sit at the bar. Believe it or not, you may strike up interesting conversations with people you never imagined speaking with. I actually met a few of the ladies in the picture above at a bar and we have become good friends!
4. Tell people that you are new to the area. Not only will they be more understanding of you sitting at the bar alone, but they will also likely want to help you have a good experience. Most likely they will give you recommendations for restaurants, attractions, and directions too! This is SO helpful, especially when there are so many options!
5.  Keep an open mind! Being closed minded will not get you very far! I am amazed at how different things are even if I am only 1 state away!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Freedom isn't Free

So, this post is going to be a little different today...

On this day 3 years ago, we lost 31 brave soldiers after their helicopter was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade in Afghanistan. One of those men, included Chief Nicholas H. Null, a Navy SEAL from my hometown of Parkersburg, WV. I did not have the honor of getting to know Nick, however it is quite clear that he was one heck of a fella. He was married with three very handsome little guys and was loved by SO many. They paid the ultimate sacrifice the least any of us can do is to ensure that it will never be forgotten. Thinking of all of their families today because no matter how much time passes, it will always feel like pouring salt into a fresh wound.

Chief Nicholas H. Null

Working in the medical field, especially working with the older population, you can be sure that you will have the honor and privilege of working with a number of Veterans. These men and women that you have the opportunity of working with will undoubtedly change your life, they will teach you something, and will absolutely leave you with an overwhelming feeling of pride.

My handsome Navy Sailor & his beautiful Wife; circa 1954
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dane Showen
(My Grandparents)

Throughout my short time working in the medical field, whether as a nursing assistant, a student, or as an occupational therapist I have encountered, what I believe is, some of the most self-sacrificing, honorable men in the country. I have met a pilot who was MIA during a deployment (saw the letter to his family to prove it!), a POW and soldier who fought in the Battle of the Burge and suffered from frost bite during that battle, a soldier who was a part of the platoon that bombed Hiroshima ending World War II, a former drill Sargent who fought in the Korean War, many purple heart recipients, as well as the opportunity to meet and thank a 3 limb amputee following his tour in Iraq. There are many, many others who are more than deserving of recognition. These men really make you feel a sense of pride in our country and make you realize just how good we have it back here in the States.

There is no question that they have seen, heard, and done things that we can only dream of, things we only see in the movies. You can see the pain in their eyes sometimes as they express their feelings and experiences, but you can also see that they would not have had it any other way. They are proud of the country they served, they were happy to fight for us, and grateful to have survived it all. The more stories and encounters I have with past and present military men, the more grateful I am for each and every one of them. I am so very blessed to have the privilege of working with these men and having the opportunity not only to enrich their lives but also to thank them for all of the sacrifices they have made serving the United States of America. Without a doubt in the world, they make you proud to be an American!

Thanks to all those who have served, are serving, and will serve. I will always be grateful.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 I started my journey to Richmond, VA for my very first "big girl" job and my first job as a traveling therapist! (No pressure!) I packed my car with the necessities and this Mountain Mama made her way to RVA!

Upon entering the city skyline I thought, "Oh my gosh, what have I gotten myself into!?" There is SO much to do and see around here that I am not sure 13 weeks is long enough! After a few short days it is obvious to me that I am going to really like travel. Everything is new to me... and there is just something about that newness that elicits a lot of excitement.

I am very thankful to have met a friend who has taken me around town a bit since I have been here. Below are some photos along the way.
Driving towards RVA city skyline!
The skyline from Legends, a restaurant on the James River!
This was absolutely breathtaking!

At Conch Republic where I tried gator for the first time!
How stinkin beautiful is this?!

Out on the town with New Friends!

"Shark attack" bucket at Baja!

Had a busy weekend after move-in and Monday snuck up on me! The facility I will be working at is much larger than those I am used to, so it has taken some time to get my bearings. They definitely expect you to hit the ground running as a traveler, can't hold back! If you know me at all, you know that I hate to-do lists... they give me anxiety! So my to-do list at work right now is a bit stressful. I hope to get all caught up with my notes and paperwork tomorrow.

First Day of Work!

Representing good ol West Virginia!

Now for the difficult part of travel this far... it can be pretty lonely! Even though I know a few people in the area, there is nothing like a quiet night in with your best friend and a bottle of wine. Missing the little things that close friends and family can bring but enjoying the new-ness as well! Excited for what this week will bring! Until next time...